Aligning With Spring Equinox Energies

We always want to make the best out of every opportunity that comes our way. As we enter this powerful time of the year, the spring equinox, we find that the wind is at our back, supporting us to make a fresh start. Many of us have spent the last few months cleansing...

Fasten Your Seat Belt!

We are in for an interesting ride – and we signed up for it! Things are changing in our worlds—both in our inner and the outer ones—at a very rapid pace now. I am finding that no sooner than I figure out I’m blocked, I can clear it and move into a much higher...

The Old Ways Just Don’t Work Anymore!

One definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different outcome, yet we continue to use old, outdated beliefs and expect our lives to get better. Recently I caught myself doing this, and I had a giant epiphany. I love the teachings...

Holiday Magic

The holiday season can be challenging. This year is no exception. Third dimensional reality displays unsettled feelings about the economy, terrorism, and political infighting around the next election. If we aren’t careful, we can easily get pulled into the...

My Holiday Gift

During this time of year, many of our thoughts turn to gift giving—Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwaanza—we make our lists and choose our purchases carefully. This year I decided to focus on something different. I spend a lot of time writing, teaching and talking about looking...