The Big Picture

It’s so much larger than we think—so much bigger than we can comprehend. Last weekend I was given a momentary glimpse of the divine plan, the big picture, and I was able to see connections I never realized existed. It was amazing, and left me with a lasting feeling of...

Rock & Roll~

As we continue in this flow of evolution, what are you noticing? Physical stuff like dizziness, aches and pains and/or emotional periods? For me it has been exhaustion. I have spent countless hours in bed over the last two weeks. The message I am getting is that our...

Great Shifts Keep Happening!

Some amazing energetic shifts have taken place on our planet just this week, and we aren’t done with this whole mutation process I talked about in my last newsletter.  There is a huge amount of support for each of us to achieve our goals. Doors have opened to allow us...

DNA Mutation

With the planetary energies that we have just gone through, and are still going through in the Grand Cross, an amazing thing is occurring. We are mutating! Our DNA is actually changing, releasing more of our innate potential into the world. Some years ago i created...


Here are some things that are just given—we are all co-creators, we are constantly creating in every moment with every thought, everything that manifests on the physical plane was first created in a higher reality. Oh, I forgot—we are all multidimensional beings. What...