We are in for an interesting ride – and we signed up for it! Things are changing in our worlds—both in our inner and the outer ones—at a very rapid pace now. I am finding that no sooner than I figure out I’m blocked, I can clear it and move into a much higher space, it I choose to. Choice is the key word here!

How many times have you gotten really close to finishing something or getting what you really wanted and just gave up? Stopped just short of the prize? We are poised on the brink of an amazing time in the history of humanity—the time we have all been waiting for. We have studied, meditated, prayed, cleared—all in preparation for this moment. But when we look around, what do we see? Turmoil, struggle, fear, and talk of impending doom? Now is not the time to waiver. It’s the time to buckle up and put on our courage.

We are at a tipping point where each of us has choices to make—difficult choices. Positive choices. The old ways of life and doing things just don’t work anymore. It’s time for us to choose differently.

In the past we have repeatedly settled for less than we could have gotten or achieved. Either we gave up and quit before we manifested our desired result or we tried to tell the Universe how to deliver it. Any time we think we know what is best or are attached to being right, we settle for that, and we get in the way of the Universe’s ability to provide the highest possible solution.  It’s almost like we push the best option out of the way in our desire for getting what we want.

Let’s start doing things differently. Go for the gold! Let GO and let God help you get there!