Jean Adrienne We are more powerful than we can imagine. This message has come to us from many sources, but most of us don’t believe this to be true. The difficulty has to do with the simplicity of the plan. For many lifetimes we have bought into a belief in struggle....


I thought I WAS flexible! That is when the Universe decided to show me all the areas where I wasn’t. For several years I have dealt with knee pain and the inability of my right knee to bend past a ninety degree angle (can you say ‘inflexible’?) Over time I have tried...

INTEGRITY – Who Are We Fooling?

I just love how my clients bring me my unhealed issues! This lesson started several weeks ago when someone needed to deal with betrayal and lying in their relationship. After their session I sat and considered what she was showing me about myself. I just couldn’t...

What’s Your Motivation?

It used to be that we could set goals for success based on financial gains. That’s how we have been trained for years. From childhood we are taught that this is a goal-oriented society; that we should strive for and work hard to attain the goals we set. We’ve been...

The Way Things Happen

We have choices all the time—how we will react, what we will do based on the situations at hand. Three years ago, a worker fund a thriving hive of honeybees under my log cabin, right under my bedroom. I had to call a beekeeper to remove them. The man gave me a piece...

Shift IS Happening!

There is a ton of energetic movin’ and shakin’ taking place on Planet Earth right now, and I’m not just talking about the weather! We have stepped through the doorway into a completely new reality, both physically and energetically. How’s that working for YOU? In my...