Mercury Retrograde Is Cranking Up Again…

By all I have read, this one might be a doozy, so back your computers up today! Why, you ask? Mercury is retrograding in Gemini, the sign of communication and transportation, and Mercury is the planet that rules both of those. Top that, the planet Mars (anger, the...

Eating The Elephant

Many of us have difficulty realizing our dreams because of the unseen obstacles that get between us and them. These blocks are are elephants allowing us to only see pieces and parts of what we desire—the front part or the tail end—but not the big picture. What is this...

Tips For Moving Through Precious Times

My intended title for this blog was Tips For Moving Through Precarious Times, but as I began typing, the title corrected itself. We are in precious times—the ones we have been waiting for, for lifetimes probably. Today I want to share my thoughts on how to maximize...

Questions That Can Change Your Life!

Questions That Can Change Your Life! by Jean Adrienne Did you ever consider that your life can be influenced by the quality of the questions you ask? Depending on what you ask and how you language the question can make a difference between a positive answer and a...

Love Note~

It’s LOVE month, and I began my day musing on how we can each have more love in our lives—not just in February, but all the time. Those of you who have been following me for a while are probably tired of hearing that it has to start within, but it does, so i repeat...

Journaling – Great Tool For Personal Growth

One of the most powerful tools we can use for personal growth and conscious creation is absolutely free—it only requires a pen and a notebook! Journaling is a great way to clear your mind, focus your thoughts and manifest what you desire. Here are some pointers to get...

Falling In Love With Sleep!

Consider yourself blessed if you are able to fall asleep easily and get a good night’s rest! For the majority of people, however, this is just a pipe dream, and sleep (or the lack thereof) has become their worst nightmare. Why is the lack of sleep such an issue?...

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year! Now – where to begin? It’s about this time where each year we set about moving in the direction of creating something different…new goals and intentions. Today I have two thoughts I want to share with you about this: First, let me suggest that...


This year, as I approach Thanksgiving, I am looking at life a bit differently than I have in the past. Last Wednesday, my daughter lost her husband to a heart attack, leaving her to raise a baby daughter and two stepsons. One of my stepsons said something I thought...

Attitude of Gratitude

Gratitude is a major factor in bringing you what you want. It only makes sense, if you are a student of the Law of Attraction, that if you are grateful for something, you will attract more of it to your reality. It doesn’t really matter what you are grateful for. It’s...