Life Coaching Basics

Most of us would like to believe that we can get through life on our own, and it’s hard to reach out for help. After all, we have been trained to be self-sufficient since a very young age. This is why we go to school, get an education, take post-graduate training,...

The Path To Honor

Honor, integrity, and uprightness all follow along once you remember who you are. In order to get there, you must first identify your core values—those ideals that are so important to you that you would defend them at all cost. At this point, you can’t go back because...

Let Go and Let GOD!

Many of us spent 2017 releasing, letting go of stuff, people, places and more. That is all good, because if you want to receive more in your life, it helps to clear space for it to enter. But how many of us are still holding onto control—trying to make things happen,...

When One Door Closes, Another One Opens~

I am reinventing myself! It’s the perfect thing to do during mercury retrograde actually. I have sold my home in the mountains, and will move to Tallahassee Florida this week, to be closer to my daughter and granddaughter, and to begin a new chapter in my amazing...

Self Love

We come here to Earth to master lessons about love, and the most important one is self love. Love is the truth of our essence, but how many of us remember that. When we are born, we are a clean slate. We don’t even know that we are a girl or a boy, what country we...


It’s a day of magic! We have been moving through very interesting times as Light just keeps pouring onto the planet. Our challenge is to integrate the new frequencies we’ve received, and today we are supported in doing this as we play the game of life....

Use Your Good Judgment To Master Spiritual Lessons

With each day that passes, we are getting better at figuring out the new game of life. We’re starting to put the puzzle pieces in their proper places, and the big picture is beginning to appear. This is helping us to integrate all the work we’ve done over the past...

What Are You Waiting For?

Most of you reading my blogs are focused on creation, conscious creation of a higher vibration and more sustainable greater reality. The challenge we face is that the game board we are playing on keeps changing, such that the rules of the game that applied yesterday...

Open To Receive

Receiving isn’t easy or natural for most of us. Sometimes it takes a major jolt to open us to what receiving is all about. I had been opening to receive and focused on it for the last year, but the events of the last six weeks put me in a place where receiving became...

Challenge or Opportunity?

We are constantly being presented with stuff. How we choose to look at what is in front of us is up to us. This goes back to the question of whether the glass is half full or half empty, doesn’t it? Some of the stuff that shows up doesn’t appear to be very pleasant,...