
It’s a day of magic! We have been moving through very interesting times as Light just keeps pouring onto the planet. Our challenge is to integrate the new frequencies we’ve received, and today we are supported in doing this as we play the game of life....

Use Your Good Judgment To Master Spiritual Lessons

With each day that passes, we are getting better at figuring out the new game of life. We’re starting to put the puzzle pieces in their proper places, and the big picture is beginning to appear. This is helping us to integrate all the work we’ve done over the past...

What Are You Waiting For?

Most of you reading my blogs are focused on creation, conscious creation of a higher vibration and more sustainable greater reality. The challenge we face is that the game board we are playing on keeps changing, such that the rules of the game that applied yesterday...

Open To Receive

Receiving isn’t easy or natural for most of us. Sometimes it takes a major jolt to open us to what receiving is all about. I had been opening to receive and focused on it for the last year, but the events of the last six weeks put me in a place where receiving became...

Challenge or Opportunity?

We are constantly being presented with stuff. How we choose to look at what is in front of us is up to us. This goes back to the question of whether the glass is half full or half empty, doesn’t it? Some of the stuff that shows up doesn’t appear to be very pleasant,...

Follow Your Dream~

As many of you are aware, I have been studying Human Design and the Gene Keys with my friend Tuck Self. I have learned a great deal about myself in this process and the unfolding continues. Recently, Tuck was telling me that the shadow of some of my Gene Keys has to...