Navigating the Four Stages of Spiritual Transformation
Lately, if things have felt extra intense, you’re not alone. The energy shifts happening right now are pushing us all to shed limiting beliefs, break old patterns, and step into higher alignment. While it might feel chaotic, this is actually an opportunity—an invitation to release what no longer serves us and create more joy, clarity, and purpose in our lives.
As I’ve worked through my own transformation, I’ve noticed that spiritual awakening follows a process—what I call the Four Stages of High Alchemy. Maybe you’ll recognize where you are in your own journey:
The Four Stages of Spiritual Alchemy & Personal Growth
🔹 Nigredo – The Unaware State
This is where we all start—before we realize that we are the creators of our own reality. It’s that phase where life feels like it’s happening to us instead of for us.
🔹 Albedo – The Purification Process
This is the wake-up call. When you begin to see the bigger picture of your spiritual path, you also start doing the inner healing work—clearing away energetic blocks, outdated mindsets, and past emotional wounds.
🔹 Citrinitis – The Shift from Fear to Love
Now comes the alchemy—turning lower vibrational emotions into higher frequencies of joy, peace, and self-trust. This is where you stop reacting and start choosing your energy with intention.
🔹 Rubedo – The Sacred Union of Opposites
This is where it all comes together—Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine energy unite within you, bringing wholeness, balance, and deeper self-awareness. You step into soul alignment, fully embracing who you are and what you’re here to do.
Where are you on your path to joy? There is still time! Where you are is perfect, and you can begin to do the work to move yourself forward. Let’s connect!